I haven’t given up on my embroidery work. Here is a piece I worked on last night.

I keep working at it… And not to be bragging – but check out that ‘E’. I think I’m getting the hang of it. And I’ve fallen in love with my DMC threads all over again. I’ve been spending about ten minutes before I sew to do a little organizing in my sewing area. Don helped me hang spool racks for my threads over the weekend.
The ‘birth festival’ ended last Saturday as a total success. I was queen for a week. Pat over at Bits and Pieces forwarded me a Crabapple Hills Pumpkin pattern she had completed.

I can just picture it framed and resting on the corner of the buffet this fall. She also included another surprise--- I’ll share tomorrow.
My Blessings—
Pumpkin Lotion --- never goes out of season in my book
Needles and thread
Crayons—a perk of being a Sunday School teacher. The world would be a better place if everyone had crayons and a coloring book.
Mel your embroidery looks terrific. So glad you're enjoying the journey. Lovely pattern from Pat, and yes everyone needs crayons in their life.
I love those Crabapple patterns. And pumkin lotion does sound lovely.
Hang in there - spring is coming! Your stitchery looks wonderful.
Ooo I love that pattern! May need to add that one to my collection :o)
Our snowplow guys (my brother-in-law included) definitely agree with your statement. We are tired of all this snow! We have no salt left, so if it doesn't melt, we have some big problems.
Thanks for the comment you left on my blog....I agree with you that it sad for people who can't
doodle with crayons or colored pencils. We are getting snow here today too.
Learning to do embroidery is on my list of things to accomplish one day. I would imagine that trying to embroider words would be tricky. Your doing a lovely job.
Enjoy that pumpkin pattern. I had that pattern and passed it along to somebody else. Mine is basted and ready to quilt (in my copious spare time. Ha!).
You´re stichery look great...and that pattern from crabapple is sooo nice.. they have really nice patterns.A lovely gift!!!
Good to have friends like that!
TAke care ...and happy stitching...;D
Oh, I just found your blog. It was wonderful looking over your pictures! I really enjoy the name of your blog!! Nice to meet you. Laurie
Hi Mel, so glad to say our couple of inches of fresh snow is also melting, and yes, our roads are a mess also.
Love the look of your stitchery..seems perfect to me, just like all the lovely things you make *VBS*
So happy you have some new treasures to enjoy!Crayon lovers unite! Hugs, Finn
Pumpkin pattern is darling, are you going to pass it on when your done, can I get on the list. Your letters are fun and whimsical.
I dare say that is the best 'e' I have ever seen. Don't you love when the stars and planets all align *s*
Glad you're enjoying your stitching. All the letters look great to me.
I'm hooked on hand embroidery! You're stitches are looking good! I agree, practice is the key. I love that pumpkin pattern. It's the one that got me hooked! I look at it now and think I ought to do it all over again just to improve the stitches, but I won't. It's perfectly imperfect! ;o)
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