I threw out several spools that I felt were ‘dry-rotten'. But I just couldn’t part with the aqua.
I rounded up my embroidery thread. I was an avid cross-stitcher about 25 years ago. I can remember girls in the dorm room at college all cross-stitched. DMC Numbers???? I was lucky to have the plain threads--- I never had threads to match the color charts. When I got married and actual was able to purchase “the good stuff”--- what a luxury…. When the local department store would run threads 5 for $1.00, I would grab a handful, trying to get one of every color. When quilting took over the thread kind of took a backseat. Chelsey went through her “bracelet “ phase and she pulled out her favorite colors. With the recent tasks of embroidery to quilted pieces, I pulled out my DMC threads and organized them again.

I’m half way through the project. As dorky as it sounds--- Gosh, I’m having fun. What is it about thread and needle that just charm me--- Maybe the colors, maybe the collection. I’m still trying to figure it out.
I’m wishing for the Perle Cotton 8 balls of floss (incredibly fun to stitch with), but I’m using this as an exercise in contentment--- at least until the next holiday……
I stopped by the gas station to fill up the jeep after work… a hefty jolt back into reality… that already “paid for” thread is looking p-r-e-t-t-y good after that pit stop.
We have a local unpainted furniture factory and Tuesday I stopped by the outlet store looking for a ‘steal of a deal’ for organization. I was thinking of a lingerie chest with a bunch of tiny drawers to hold things. Lots of wishing going on, but that’s about it.
Some days I wonder what is would be like to have a sunny sewing studio---Painted yellow in my mind—complete with a huge window with plaid curtains. Then I laugh and think I’m pretty lucky to have my cozy corner of our basement, not having to put away my sewing machine every time I use it….which is almost every day….
Counting my blessings--

I enjoyed this post. I like having a place to sew where the machine can stay out.
You have a good selection of thread. I have bought quite a bit myself but not that much. I'm sstill a babe at the cross stitch. I used to do Crewel embroidery but it got hard to find the kits.
Mama Bear
Mel, love the thread collections! Looks a lot like mine :o) I have so many cross stitch weight bobbins. But for quilting applique that perle is a nice luxury. I just build up a few new ones with different projects. Slow but sure!
What a wonderful trip down memory lane with your threads. I have a spool of thread I bought when Montgomery Ward closed out their fabric department. It is "Old Gold" and I keep it because it is a thin thread and good for applique and a color I can't find. I guess it is about 25 years old. Not rotten yet.
What a great DMC collection - I use those boxes for storage, too. My 'sunny' little corner is a folding table by the front door. I don't even bother to put it away any more. I figure if someone who visits is offended - they really don't want to visit *s*
I like seeing how you store your collections, that's a lot of DMC's! Belated birthday greetings, sounds like it was a lovely day, Tracey
Not dorky at all!! I have only just recently completed my collection of DMC threads and had great pleasure in shutting the case knowing that I wasn't missing any.
My sunny corner is the front room of the house and when the blinds are up in the Summer it has fantastic natural light.
Haven't visited for ages and wow! A new look!
I'm rapidly becoming a DMC/thread addict. The fingers itch and I have to walk away, otherwise we'd have no money for gas.
You know you're right those stranded threads all neatly lined up in their box look like glossy jewels - I too have an extensive collection from previous cross-stitching days - it's great fun to revisit them now with the current stitchery craze
Ohh..I´m so impressed of you all...having thoose threads all wrapped up in nice little bobbins...I haven´t found a storage like that...so I have my HUGE collection in two plasticbags...from the time I worked at a fabricstore...;D All I can say it doesn´t look good...;D...but I guess there is still some hope for me...;D
Thankyou for inspiring me...
You certainly have a selection of colors to choose from in your thread collection. My craft area is in a small corner of our basement too. One day I hope I can have a room of my own with a large window too....... what would life be if we didn't dream?
Fun and colorful post! I have seen a couple of people posting about organizing their threads lately. I need to get back to some stitchery projects too. Happy almost the weekend.
I only hope my thread collection is one day organized as nicely as yours. They always seem to migrate around the place.
What is the thing under your DMCs? It looks like the Yuletide blessing.
I love to organize and then look at my sewing treasures, too. There's something about the potential there in the raw materials that always makes me smile. And isn't it wonderful to have what you need when inspiration strikes!
I love your thread collection and more so your thread holder I have just called my handy son in to have a look at it so he can make his good old mum one - I hope you don't mind.
Organizing is fun and cleaning is inspirational! I consider myself lucky to also have my own sewing space. I read you on petro. I now think before I hop in the car. I'm learning that you often don't need something right away. It can wait! Enjoy organizing!
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