Thanks for the compliments on the new header of my journal. I'd like to take credit for it but it was a design created by my son. He creates magic with the keyboard. I ask-- how did you learn this? -- 'Mom, you just have to love it and spend time playing with it.." He definitely has a gift. Is he going into the right career? -- he's a Pharmacy student...I'm hoping he gets to find the best of both worlds. Thanks again.
A springtime weakness—I had to have it.

I purchased this for the front porch this weekend. One can only hope Spring arrives sooner rather than later….. I just keep telling myself, ‘Every day is a quilting day that you can’t play in the garden…’
Catching up on stitching, I’m up to date on my March block with the Capricorn BOM…

I think my stitches are getting better. Practice is definitely the key.
My Four Seasons quilt blocks kept me entertained over the weekend.

I had it prepped them ahead of time, so I sat and sewed and laughed with Don and the kids and worked on each block.
While it may not look like it—these are definitely stars. I have enough pieces cut for the 22 stars that anchor the corners of the Primitive Garden.

Lisa Bongean uses a different technique for creating the flying geese units. I think it is going to help because these pieces are only one inch in size.
My birth festival continues ---Birthdays last longer than one day in our house. Don built me this ladder to hang quilts.

With Easter coming so early this year, I have really haven’t done much decorating, but I pulled out the Easter bunny for a week or so. He’s handmade and a remnant from a late 1980’s kitchen decoration.

Tea-dyed with a sweet embroidered face… With the addition of Don’s LCD television, I’m trying to find some way of bringing the quilts into the ‘High tech’ world without it looking silly. Don’t get me wrong—I’m enjoy the television with everyone, I’m just having trouble getting use to not having it stashed in a cabinet when we’re not using….
I should not have been at work yesterday – I must have had a virus or something, but I’m feeling tons better today.
1. Feeling better—I guess you need bad days to appreciate the good.
2. Seeing old friends in town yesterday
3. Safe travel for Eric