Thank you Mary—She put me on a list to receive this award. I’ve felt a little less an “awesome” lately, so the kindness was truly felt. I’ve been trying to think of ten random things about myself that would be of any interest … we’re really struggling here but here goes ---
1. I’m a mayonnaise only kind of girl. Mayonnaise only on my burger, my ham sandwich, and my BLT (bacon lettuce tomato—does that count). I always looked at it as if I wanted a salad I’d order it… Mayo-Meat-bread… that’s me.
2. I’m really realizing what a recluse I am --- never much for girlfriends (in person). I’m working on it. I realized my life is My Husband, my kids, my job and my quilting. Three weeks ago, I sorta lost 3 out of four. I was laid off. My husband far away and my kids back at college --- thank goodness for quilting and the pups.
3. Definitely a dog person. Love cat pictures, but life is better with a pup.
4. There can never be too much dark chocolate in your life --- ever.
5. I love fabric for the sake of it being fabric. A wicker basket full of fabric is as beautiful to me as a $100.00 flower arrangement – probably more. Don’t you wish you could grow fabric from seeds out in the garden?!?!?
6. I don’t believe in coincidences – I believe everything happens for a reason and my faith tells me everything is a gift, I just need to find it.
7. When I get a favorite song in my head, or a favorite CD – I can literally listen to it over and over again – drives my family nuts!!!!
8. I believe you impact people when you least expect it… that’s why … as tough as it is… you need to be the best version of yourself. Looking back, there have been times when I wish I had been that ‘better’ person---it’s bitten me in the hiney—for not. I’m a work in progress.
9. Life is better for eating raw cookie dough and cake batter before it has been cooked (please do not leave me comments on food poisoning—I know it—as this is probably the riskiest thing I do in my life!!!!)
10. I love cookbooks have tons – but seldom use them. I think it’s because I grew up with money being tight and you had to eat everything on your plate so I seldom tried anything new. Don and the kids are working with me on this. I thrive on routine – when you find something you like I’m not one to change it….I’m learning that’s pretty boring….And I try cooking something new once a week.
There you have it....Saturday is housecleaning, sheet washing days for me. There's a lawn to mow, and I'm judging a Bible Bee at church. I plan on sewing some -- so nap time is out. I have so much fun to do... Everyone have a great weekend.