They sat all alone – four of them that no one else wanted---Discounted from $20.00 to $3.00 a piece. I can just picture them with yellow and red napkins. Food just has to taste better on stoneware trimmed in plaid. I can just imagine dinner on the porch when spring arrives – If and when spring arrives.
Haven’t sewn a stitch this week. Serious family problems. No need in dragging anyone down with the details. But the reason I type this much is to hold up the looking glass and say--- no family is perfect. In fact, families are built on a foundation of imperfections. But it’s the heart of that family that cements them together despite imperfections. I hope above anything else, I’ve never given anyone the illusion of perfection. I do hope people realize happiness can be found in rising above the catastrophes.
Warming temperatures into the 40 degree range have melted much of our snow. Ransom and I still trudge through the woods daily --- it’s great therapy. I guess we have gotten our January thaw in February. Temps are supposed to drop back to the 20’s this weekend, the normal range for this time of year.
I have a weekend ahead – Needle and thread calling me.
Remember to count your blessings. I try to every day.
Sorry to hear you are having family problems but you are right in knowing it happens to all of us. Your plates are lovely. enJOY
Gorgeous plate, will keep your family in my prayers.
The dishes are fun!
Sending a {{hug}}. Hope things sort themselves out -- I know what it's like to have 'undercurrents.'
Jeanne :(
love the colors of these plates..
ahh family problems happens to all of us sometimes everyone just needs to step back for a bit , it will work out. yes some quilting time this weekend maybe just what you need
You are so right, no family is without its turmoils. Hang in there. The plates are gorgeous. What fun it will be to eat off them!!!
Hope your problems resolve themselves - I've always found time is the best solution. Viewed from the perspective of a month, six months, a year later, nothing seems so terrible. It's the hard times that make us appreciate the good times.
(((((Mel)))) Take care....
I can understand why the plates were calling to you "Buy Me!". I love dishes but just can't keep buying them. I would have a new set about once a month if I could. There is just no storage left for more dishes and no good reason to justify buying more.
I hope the family problem resolves itself soon. We all have those times that things don't go right and it is not fun.
Take care!
Those plates were a great find! I love the plaid trim too. I agree w/ kathie on everyone experiencing family problems at points in their life - it's how we respond to them that matters. Prayers to you.
When the hands are busy, the mind can think and pray. There is a long quilting heritage behind us of women quilting their hopes and dreams and tears into their fabric. A very personal thing. Somehow, I feel closer to God in my sewing room than in any other space in our house. Sometimes, sadness reigns, sometimes joy, but always he is there.
Peace to you.
Pretty dishes - my favorite kind - cheap and red!!! And a bargain - can't beat that.
Love your new dishes. So many times I just shake my head and remind myself by saying " I love my family!!" I hope you have a great weekend. Happy Valentines Day!
A little retail therapy works wonders sometimes. And we just all do the best we can and believe God for the rest. He's well able, thank God!
Hugs, Elaine
Those dishes are so pretty! Hope your family problems will mend soon, hang in there :-)
The plates are charming - I will keep your family in my thoughts.A needle and thread will be great therapy!
sending you (((hugs))) to help you through your family troubles
I LOVE your plates! I never worry about buying matching pieces--there's always something to go with whatever I end up bringing home, particularly since my basic set is just white. I think half the fun is mixing and matching and finding other things like napkins and table decorations to tie the whole look together. Oh, and I love your binders from your last post too. It's reminded me that I'd love to make more!
Families are meant to try us how boring life would be without them. Take care....love the plates.
glad those plates get to go home with a super lady like you! we all have family things to deal with. hope they are resolved soon.
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