Here are the quilting treasures I received from my Mom and my Sister in law. I had been wishing over the quilt books for some time. Can't wait to snuggle up and read them cover to cover. We braved the weather--- totally stupid thing to do--- and went people watching in Green Bay yesterday and checked out the after Christmas sales. Eric and I both got new coats and Chelsey got some money for Christmas so she set out to maximize the return on the cash.
It was a fun day - and we played those silly car games on the way down...You remember-- My name is ADAM my wife's name is AVA. I'm from ALABAMA with and ARM full of APPLES--- Through the alphabet. We were all together and that is all that mattered.
We dropped Chelsey and a friend at the mall and Don and Eric took me to a quilt shop. I asked if they wanted to go in and Don's response was something like this---"I'm going toteach Eric the art form of Napping in the car while you shop..." I just laughed. I could have spent a million, but considering the treasures I had already received I settled for quilt backings for the quilts I plan on machine quilting this week. $4.00/yard-- was a great deal.
Plans for today--- a little "family" house cleaning, after all it's everyone's mess. We've got plans at a friends for New Year's Celebrating so we are having our Chinese cooking tradition today. Winter storm watches are in effect so we're staying close to home.
The really good thing about bad weather is having a great excuse to snuggle and read! Have fun.
Great new quilty purchases! So very sorry I missed you yesterday!
My favorite kind of gifts. What is the names of the top and bottom book? They look interesting.
Lots of fun goodies for you;) I look forward to lovely things coming from your magazines and fabric;) $4/yd-quite a bargin, and the fine art of sleeping in the car...wish I could master that one. Alphabet game is a favorie of ours, too;) Happy New Year!
Hi Mel. You had a very nice quilty Christmas. Please let me know how the Whimsical book is. I love her designs but I have not seen that book yet. I hope that you have a very Happy New Year.
Lovely quilty Christmas gifts....I think Don could give tutorials in blog land I sure there are a lot of husbands out there who would like to learn car napping.
Sounds like a great family day - worth getting out in the weather for *s*
Lovely Christmas presents... love to hear what you think of the books?? :o)
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