Summer is fleeing and I’m trying to cram as much into it as I can. In the Upper Peninsula I find myself trying to enjoy the outside weather as much as I can because the winters keep us really sheltered inside. I was talking to my Mom about the great summer but how at the same time I haven’t sewn as much as I would like to. Just not enough hours in the day…. She keeps me grounded and reminds me I have all winter to sew. But when you are a Quilter---It’s just not a seasonal activity for you…we all just have to find balance I guess. I’ve been working on My Journey of a Quilter block, but I hit a roadblock when I ran out of thread.

My Mom is rescuing me and mailing me DMC 838, as our Wal-Mart doesn’t carry it and it was our only source for thread. Another example of little things you should never take for granted….
I picked my first mess of green beans on Sunday.

I’m cooking them tonight. I have one tomato ready to pick but the rest are still pretty green.

Here’s a snapshot from my front flowerbed. It’s on the North side of the house and is shaded all but a couple hours of the day.

I just love impatiens. Marigolds line the garden fence.

This geranium has been my rescue project for the summer. It almost died on me, and I’ve nursed it back to health most of the summer. I think it’s just a beautiful color.

Last night Don & I road our bicycles to supper. We grabbed a sandwich at a local restaurant and rode home. We’ve only had one day over ninety degrees, the remainder hovering at around 80. The windows and doors were open all weekend, gathering fresh air through the house.
I’ve almost completed 6 fabric postcards, maybe snapshots tomorrow. I’ve also been working on a few things for Chelsey to take to school, 24 days away… Ransom entertained us all weekend. We’ve been doing some target shooting on the back of the property. He’s a born hunter and dances when the rifles come out. It’s been years since I shot a rifle. Don and I had fun and my aim is getting better all the time….
Looking back over this post… Summer is being filled with all of the good stuff… Have a good week.