I’m here. Enjoying every minute of summer I possibly can. I struggled with quilting time—and I finally got some. I completed June’s block for Capricorn Quilts. It’s photographed in front of violet petunias. 
My Four Seasons BOM is caught up.
The Spring blocks were strung up in the woods last night for a photograph.
I love the stitching and the color combinations The Country Loft is placing with these blocks.
My House quilt has a new addition to it. The saltboxes are really easy to put together.
I was nervous about attempting the quilt because house block seams have to match.
I’ve been playing in my garden—though I’m not alone. Here’s the big guy visiting on Saturday.
Don said--- ‘Get the camera, you need a picture.” While we have no poisonous snakes in the U.P., growing up in Louisiana, I still carry a healthy respect for them. Apparently this guy choked and died on the frog he was snacking on. I’m pretty much on the frog’s side so I feel like the snake had it coming…Don disposed of it and life goes on.
We’ve been biking daily and Ransom sleeps well after long runs with us every night. Frogs, chipmunks, and birds keep the woods noisy. Chelsey is almost through with your summer college course. It’s a writing course and she’s thriving. Eric has only the final left in Bio-Chemistry. He’s studying hours on end, but he too, is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Have you ever have asked for things in prayer and received the answer --- No. That recently happened to me and yet almost immediately I realized I was not even disappointed. Just maybe someone knows what’s best for me--- more than I do…
Counting My Blessings----

My Four Seasons BOM is caught up.

The Spring blocks were strung up in the woods last night for a photograph.

I love the stitching and the color combinations The Country Loft is placing with these blocks.

My House quilt has a new addition to it. The saltboxes are really easy to put together.

I was nervous about attempting the quilt because house block seams have to match.
I’ve been playing in my garden—though I’m not alone. Here’s the big guy visiting on Saturday.

Don said--- ‘Get the camera, you need a picture.” While we have no poisonous snakes in the U.P., growing up in Louisiana, I still carry a healthy respect for them. Apparently this guy choked and died on the frog he was snacking on. I’m pretty much on the frog’s side so I feel like the snake had it coming…Don disposed of it and life goes on.
We’ve been biking daily and Ransom sleeps well after long runs with us every night. Frogs, chipmunks, and birds keep the woods noisy. Chelsey is almost through with your summer college course. It’s a writing course and she’s thriving. Eric has only the final left in Bio-Chemistry. He’s studying hours on end, but he too, is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Have you ever have asked for things in prayer and received the answer --- No. That recently happened to me and yet almost immediately I realized I was not even disappointed. Just maybe someone knows what’s best for me--- more than I do…
Counting My Blessings----
Oh...you have been busy and enjoying summer...good for you!!
Your quilts is wonderful...or they are going to be..;D
And yikkees...that snake...great colour though..but...no nothing for me...:0)
Take care...
I guess that's what they call 'The Circle of Life'
You have been doing a marvelous job with your BOM's - maybe someday I will mature enough to be able to stick with the time table *s*
Great job keeping up with those BOM's. Glad to see that you are getting some time to stitch.
Glad to see you're finding time to do the things you enjoy. Hmm I grew up with smakes, but gee that one doesn't look too nice.
No in prayers isn't always a bad thing, and yes it makes you think that "He" knows best.
Such pretty stitcheries. :)
You made such great progress Mel! I love what you are doing and everything looks wonderful.
Okay... yikes! That is quite a snake. Eeek! Glad you didn't get bit or anything. :o)
Looks like you are getting some great work done. I think I get a no quite often, not always do I accept it the first time thought. Be kind to yourself.
Love your quilt blocks and I'm with you the poor frog. We have lots of snakes and most of them are venomous.
I find the way you photograph your quilt projects to be very interesting. I like the salt box house!
We had a snake that got into our screened pool area through a hole in the screening. It was quite large. I didn't know it was hiding in the plants. My husband had found the skin it shed but did not tell me. It finally came out into the open and he let it out the screen door. Says he did not want to scare me, so had not told me that there had to be a snake around the pool somewhere. The screening got repaired after that. Was not a poisonous snake and I'm glad I did not know it was lurking in the pool area somewhere!
Your photo's and blocks look great. I hate snakes...I am so scared of them...I would run a mile and scream my head off!! We had a red belly snake last year in the garden next door. It is poisonous so I am always on the lookout for others hanging around thats for sure!!! Jo x
I love your Four seasons BOM, the fabrics are beautiful!
love all your stitcheries.......and as for the snake.....ours are usually deadly so a dead snake is my favourite.....
Pretty snake as far as snakes go but I agree with you I say the snake got what was coming to him. Now to go back to you blog and check out your quilts which was my purpose of visiting with you.
Your quilts are coming along nicely! Sometimes you have to make the time. ;o) I'm no expert at it but I do try! Thank you for sharing the beauty of nature along with your lovely blocks!
We are living in a house we love because we did not get the house we were praying for. And every time I pass that other house, I thank God! This one is SO much better.
Your quilt blocks are beautiful. I don't think you'll have a bit of trouble matching the houses. :)
I love the sampler you are doing. Can't wait to see it finished.
I've missed you - glad to see another post.
There's no doubt that it's good we're not in control and that He is in control.
As always, your work is wonderful. I agree with Karen that you do a marvelous job with your photography.
Snakes are fine as long as they're not poisonous and as long as they're not tooooo close to me. I'm happy to have the good ones around and I kill copperheads when opportunity presents. The rattlers don't usually provide the opportunity - they're too busy getting away.
your bom look awesome.
that poor frog!!!
It's wonderful that you're keeping up...I was but somehow got behind...I need to get back on track. I always tell my guys, things work out the way they are supposed to...be patient...
I love that first picture, the bloom on the flower peeking out from behind. Beautiful.
The stitchery blocks are so very lovely Mel, can't wait to see them all together in the quilt. Seems like a perfect project for the summertime. Quick to pick up and easy to lay down.
Thumbs DOWN on the snake from me also...onl good snake is a dead snake(IMHO)*VBS* Hugs, Finn in western WI where it felt like Sept this a.m.! Watch for it on a fast moving breeze!
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