I normally get to work at 6:00 am. Sometimes ten minutes one way or the other depending on the weather, but today I was there at 5:40 am. I tied up loose ends. Checked emails, handled a couple of parts quotes. By that time, my boss arrived and we headed toward Lake Superior. We have an outstation there and it’s opening for summer aircraft maintenance. I inventoried equipment and parts while the boss dealt with policy and employee issues. You’re thinking what was so great about that?
Well, for starters--- I drove. We all know I have a driving “history” to put it nicely. This guys gambles on me and I drive the company HUGE Chevy Silverado Cab and a half. First thing—“Bruce, I can’t drive backwards…” His response, “Sure you can…” With all the confidence to the world.
There’s a coffee shop in town that makes the best coffee, but I can’t bring myself to spend the calories on it. First stop--- the coffee shop. All the while working with me on driving the monster of a truck.
We travelled two and a half hours talking about everything but work. When we arrived, We knocked out the work. Bid our good byes and cruised through the town. It’s a college town with the workings of an abandoned mining community around Lake Superior. We stopped for lunch and a place called The Library. Decorated with old books, it was a brewery and pub. I had the best Chicken Chef salad in a while. We rehashed this morning’s meetings and checked the menu for Key Lime Pie. They didn’t have it so we decided not to settle and moved toward home.
They next stop--- a Quilt shop. We Stopped at the Portage Quilt House. He even went in. He told me not to rush, he chatted with 2 other customers and the 3 ladies that worked there. We played with a cat named Cheddar.

I paid for my purchases and we moved on. Being a businessman, we went through a discussion about how the shop could make more money. It was an awesome shop. Tons of samples, “primitive toys”, a line of needles, threads, and thimbles that were the best I’d ever seen in the U.P. --Confession—I hope I get to go back real soon. Here are my purchases. Truthfully, they are for giving away. Ever have a friend you want to remember “just because”. Not having a quilter’s resource close, I purchased these just for that.
It was 37 degrees with the wind blowing off the lake. But we stopped for ice cream just because the ice cream store was open and they don’t stay open year round in this part of the country. I opted for the Pepsi—kicking myself now—I should have done the ice cream. We got back in the truck and headed back to the office. The road meandered next to Lake Superior a ways and we noticed a statue. I told him I had to find a picture to take. “There’s your picture.” We turned down a dirt road that led to the top of a cliff where the Snowshoe Priest stood looking out over Lake Superior.

A couple of snapshots and a chat with the Sister there and we headed home.
It was a ten hour day, but I’d do it again tomorrow. Everybody needs a break from the back of the hangar every now and again. A great day.

You did have a good day today. The statue is great. I haven't been near Lake Superior in years. Thanks for the memories.
'Wow' what a long day! Love the goodies you purchased. Made the day worthwhile I bet. business and pleasure!
Enjoyed your description of the day - hope you get to do it again soon.
Isn't it amazing how a "long" day seems to fly by when you get to do, even just a little something, that you love? Love the charm squares.
What a nice boss - letting you fit in a quilt shop on your travels - can I come and work for him please :o) The statue is amazing
What a great day...this is what makes you wanna come to work every day!!
Even the quiltshop...;D...a very good boss...and the driving...congratulations
What a great day you had. I think bosses are great (if you get a nice one that is). My boss was very similar to yours - we were more friends than employer and employee. Still are in fact!
Can't load your photos - sorry.
Sounds like a wonderful day...what a great boss!
Beautiful photos!
Sounds like a lovely day. It is always nice to have a "different" day at work once in a while. Your boss sounds very nice.
waht a wonderful day. You must have the best boss in the world!
I was so impressed by the story of the snowshoe priest. Thanks for the great story and the photos. I really enjoyed both.
What a lovely day! And what a considerate boss as well.
Sounds like a lot accomplished, and to have a boss who'll stop at the quilt shop is the best!
That's the kind of work day every girl should have . . . a little work, a little quilt shopping, a little sightseeing, and an ice creams shop *S* The fam doesn't know what they missed.
What an interesting day. And getting to shop along the way! I don't know any boss who would do that.
Sounds like a perfectly wonderful day -- I enjoyed reading about it, so it must have been great!
Sounds like you had a great day, you have an amazing boss he deserves a gold star for chatting in a quilt store.
I know what city you were in!!! I have been to that "library" myself many times when visiting the kiddo at the college in that college town. He graduated this December by the way, and now works right in downtown college-town, we plan on another trip (camping) again in July. Anyway it sounds like you had a wonderful day! Hugs - Diane (from southern Michigan)
Now THAT is an ideal work day. I'm so curious, what did your boss suggest for the quilt shop to make more money?
What a wonderful way to spend a workday. Hope you have more of those.
Wow, that is a neat statue! I am glad you had a good day. And...got a little shopping in!
Sounds like a pretty perfect day to me!
What a lovely day! I love the Snowshoe Priest! Your photo of the lake is a winner, as is your Blessings quilt!
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