I’m still here. Work was outstanding this week. After you’ve been away, you always wonder…It’s a “Catch -22”, if they did fine without you…Are you needed? If they suffered without you do you delegate well and are you ready to pick up the pieces? I think there was a balance… A manageable list of task to conquer and get caught up.
I receive this box of gifts from
Connie and was just amazed.

A friend who has never met me and yet shared so generously…there’s a special place in heaven for quilters—definitely. I told her I couldn’t begin to pick out my favorite thing… the handwritten card… the gingham paper it came in… or maybe the 30’s reproduction fabrics. I’ve never had any before. I guess I always looked at it like I had my stash of fabrics built and never varied from the color scheme. Now I’m psyched to get some more and start cutting them up for a project.
What’s been going on all week? A little nightly stitching on the Journey of a Quilter blocks. Maybe pictures will come on Sunday.
Ransom and I have been strolling nightly. The guys worked late on Wednesday so I brought the camera. We went after a thunderstorm. While I don’t spend an obscene amount on flower—nature provides free ones on the side of our road…I look forward to them every year.

Rain drops on oak leaves.

My kids say I gravitate to anything “rusty”, here a farm tool

that neighbors up the road display on a corner. It’s been banged by teenage drivers making the corners too fast several times, but still I stop and look at it for a second every time we walk. Here’s a view up the road, you’ll find a hundred of them just like it –just about anywhere in the U.P., but I appreciate the view I have.

And here is someone’s mailbox.

They have a flag displayed. Sometimes –I wonder… will mailboxes ever go “out of style”…Ours got hit by someone last week. They didn’t even stop. Don wanted to replace it. I told him, “No way --- It now has character… a mark left by a rear view mirror…” Walking up the driveway, here are impatients peeking through the wagon wheel.
Summer time is great with the longer days, the ease of being outside without bundling up. And while I may not write as often, there’s not a day goes by that quilters aren’t thought about…. Enjoy your weekend… and enjoy your stitches.
Chelsey’s safe travel home
Eric’s safety traveling for tests this weekend
Warm temperatures and clear nights.