I took a stroll through the damp yard this morning, yeah, I’m that crazy person you see walking in the grass at 5:30 in the morning. In the wintertime, there is silence outside. No leaves, no birds, just maybe birch limbs clapping together keeping time with the wind howls. But in the summer, the birds and chipmunks shout from the rafters. Here are a couple of photos from this morning on the front porch.

I’ve written before about mother; she’ll be 75 years old in a couple of weeks. We’re really close, pretty amazing since we live so far away. We talk two or three times a week, at least. She’s anti- Internet. I think it’s because she’s never had anyone work with her on it, but she feels that it could be “the root of all evil.” I still write her once a week and she writes back. She includes clippings from the hometown newspaper, photographs, (I giggle—she sends funeral programs from friends passing away.) I always say relationships take the effort of two people and she does a heck of a job. She’s even sent coupons and fabric swatches when she’s picking out things for the house. I stayed a few minutes after work yesterday to jot a few lines down to get sent to her through the post office. She always tells me that when you hang up the phone call is over, but if you have a letter, you can read it over and over again (and typed letters don’t count—they’re impersonal—they must be hand written). I took a camera phone snap shot because I guess I wanted to remember what I wrote her this time.

The photo is pretty bad but here it is:
“My quilt blocks I’m working on have embroidery. Brings back memories. I’m so glad you taught me how. Thanks.”
Maybe you learned on your own, maybe you didn’t, I but never want it to believe that I don’t appreciate learning about needle and thread….