Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas from my family to yours... We're taking time out to count our many blessings.  Winter storms are on their way and we're all tucked in at home.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Gifts

I’d always said my job provided for my Sunday School class, my quilting and my kids going through college. Well, now it provides for everything else too. I’m not complaining--- quite the contrary, I’m incredibly grateful. While, Christmas may seem “leaner” I have complete faith it will be just as special.

Inside our church, we all have mail boxes with our names on them. Letters and memos from the church office and congregation are swapped back and forth and it says a ton in postage. A few Sundays ago a wad of bills with a note signed “the Rat Pack” appeared in our box. After the initial shock, I just sat back and thought about the gesture. Gratitude didn’t come close to how I felt. Also, thoughts of so many folks more deserving of this present crept into my head. I knew I couldn’t waste the money. So every year previously, I’ve purchased a hardcover book for each kid in my Sunday school class for a gift the season. I want them to love all the traditions of Christmas and still focus on Christ and the true meaning of the holiday. I used the funds to purchase this book for my kids and put the rest of the money back in the offering plate.

It can be a gift re-gifted to someone else….
Yesterday after “family” housecleaning…(Eric’s home), I went and worked in my Sunday school classroom an hour. When I got home the guys had grilled burgers. After the Mandatory afternoon Saturday naptime, the guys left for the movies and I danced down to my sewing machine. After 3 hours that include a snow shoe break with the pups—I came up with this gift for my Mom.

It was a free pattern from the Moda bake shop and fabric from my stash. If it weren’t for football games today—I might be down there making myself one. Great instructions --- easy. Now I have to pop it into the mail Monday with a prayer hoping it gets there my Christmas…..

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday Evening....

I worked on Christmas gifts this weekend. The second stitchery was a freebie designed by Judith Tetley.  It's one thing to have talent--- but when you share it with others freely, it's a blessing to many. We’ve just about finished our Christmas shopping. Life feels sort of normal again. We made our first snow shoeing treks this weekend. Now that we have Chelsey’s little pup with us, we’ve got to overcome a few obstacles—namely deep snow…. He’s pretty much a trooper. He’s figured out that he doesn’t go if he doesn’t put on the sweater…He’s realized that if you’re tired, stay in Mom’s footprints….and Hang with Pop if you want to have the most fun…... I’ll get a snap shot or two and post real soon.

We’re having dinner with friends tonight, so no cooking for me…..feels like the holiday is just about upon us. I just love the music.

Chelsey came home for lunch Sunday to have lunch and visit for a couple of hours and left like the tornado she came in on….. I worked off and on all weekend on a new company project, but no complaints. It’s a job.

Eric’s stressing over finals…keep him in your prayers….. I can’t wait for him to come home…

Gratitudes –

My new snow tires for the Jeep--- Picked out and purchased by your truly.

Christmas cooking…. Homemade fudge never tastes the same as it does at Christmas.

My Sunday School Kids --- I love Christmas through the eyes of kids….

Friday, December 11, 2009

Catch up...

Thanks for the emails... It really lifted by spirits .  But anger, hate, and hurt are wasted feelings and just make you old fast.  It's just a lesson I learned and I posted to save someone else from the same mistake.....

Thanksgiving coffee Don brought me home from an Airport in his travels. Coffee is pretty sacred in our house. I knew he was thinking of me when he pulled it out of his bag.

We have frigid temperatures here as I woke up to 8 below zero. One thing about it, the pups don’t spend too much time nosing around. They take care of business and get back inside.

Our anniversary was back in June. Life circumstances kept us from really celebrating. So at the risk of everyone thinking I’m more of a dork than previously noted--- Tuesday night--- amidst a blizzard--- Don & I went to see Kenny G in his Christmas concert in Green Bay. Quilt shops closed for the weather…but his concert went on. The talent some people have… and to see the performances in person was outstanding. He’s an incredibly personable guy. He plays with his band that has members that have been with him since high school. I completely recommend it to everyone. We were fifth row at the Weidner Center.

We’ve got a couple of Christmas dinners throughout the season and I’m been sewing away on something to bring. We’ll show the finished product later. I’ve pulled the fabric for a gift for my Mom too.

This weekend, I’m hoping to paint my sewing area. Eric will be home in a week. He’ll probably want a place to sleep. So the sewing machine will go back to the basement. The Pellet stove is on down there and so it’s a cozy place to work throughout the winter.

I finally decided  on borders for the confetti cake Harvest Home quilt.  I'll post a complete photo when it's all together.


Charter Commission—really helped with Christmas shopping
My kids studying hard for finals
Mittens to keep my hands warm on cold mornings

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Well, Now I know....

I learned the hard way…..Information you put on the internet is read by everyone not just your friends. Don is doing some consulting work but we are not moving. We’ve got high hopes of it turning into something permanent and one company wanted him permanently but, truthfully, while I believe there is good everywhere, it was a place we were for the long term not comfortable with.

All I can think of is I innocently showed someone at work a quilt, or a photo of my kids . They’ve been stalking my journal ever since. I never mind people reading. Lots of people quilt, have kids that make them scream occasionally , or just enjoy reading. That’s why we post (We're on the internet for God's sake!!!)… Never once did these people at work acknowledge to my face that they were reading my journal.

I thought it was odd the day the day my boss walked in my office, shut the door and out of the blue had said, “your circle of friends…. My circle of friends…. One common denominator--- and I would appreciate a 2 week notice before you left….” No more, no less. My boss asked for a two week notice when I left--- my response…”two weeks… I’ll give you two months notice…”

Never once did they say, “Your quilt sucks --- throw away the scissors before you hurt someone.” Or Hey – congrats on your kid,” or “ Hey – Hang in there with those kids.” Or “Cute pup picture”.– Well, they took it as an opportunity to inform my boss before I could -- ….Once moreover, started preying on my job.

When you are the breadwinner of your family (right now) you get a little sensitive about it. Every ounce of ‘Sunday School Teacher’ I had in me went out the window. I really regret how I behaved. But I have never been so hurt as to when my boss turned his laptop around to show me my weblog this person sent….and to listen to another apply for my job with me in the same room. Our family has been through a lot. And small towns don’t make it any easier.

But my neighbor said it best,

“It’s kind of like when I went through my divorce…. Many of the people you thought were good and your friends turn their backs on you. It hurts…But in the big picture, aren’t you glad you know. Would you rather go through life not knowing…”

She’s right – I could type countless stories that this small town has said about them--- But I will not.

I started to give up my journal… But the friends I’ve made outweigh the vindictiveness of these people. Let them read ---

My husband –the mature peacemaker---tries to present a fair opposition to what happened to me. But all I say… is why didn’t they come to me??? And I’d never walk out on my job without notice. My job would definitely take more than two weeks to train someone. My job has been good to my family---I owe that to it in return.

I’ll live… and be smarter for it. No comments for this post... but life happens....