This weekend Cottage Tapestry got stretched to the Quilting frame. So on Rainy days, I’ll inch my way through quilting it. On to the next quilt dream….

A Harvest Home layer Cake will become a confetti cake quilt. If the fabric or the pattern look tattered it is probably because they are—they travel to work with me daily for coffee break dreams. I don’t know if it’s the name of the fabric or the muted colors but Blackbird Designs Ladies really tugged at my heart with this group. I’ve toted the fabric so long I’m almost hesitant to cut it up into pieces. It should be fun.
Summer time has kept me busy with my garden.

I’ve got huge daisies this summer – temperatures have only been above 81 degrees about one week this summer.

The Roma tomatoes are going to be delicious if we can just get them to keep growing.

I’ve made several garden signs and sprinkled them up and down the road where the dogs and I walk daily. It’s always been a favorite saying of mine.

Work hasn’t been the bright spot in my days but I’m grateful for the paycheck. The mailbox brought smiles from Libby.
And Remember Happiness is always defined as a puppy and a quilt.

Bruno has a dog bed but tucks himself into this wicker basket. Everything sleeps better on a quilt.
Oh, the Confetti pattern will be wonderful in Harvest Home!
I agree with Sherri, it will be another treasure. Your daisies look gorgeous and those tomatoes will be delicious when they rippen.
The Blackbird girls are my favorites! Their fabric and this pattern will make a gorgeous quilt, and I can't wait to see what you end up with. Good combo!
I totally agree...that is going to be one gorgeous the sign and those daisies are just beautiful...they just make me smile. Yummy tomatoes! Look at that cute, cute puppy!
Confetti looks like my kinda pattern . . . I'll have to keep my eye out for it.
Can you give a little tutorial on your sign making technique? The lettering it just wonderful *s*
Bruno is stinkin adorable!
Blackbird designs always gets me too! It is going to be a fabulous quilt and I can see how it would make your breaks at work so much sweeter!
That little dog HAS to come live with me, is there anything cuter? (well maybe my little Sony dog, I can't hurt her feelings hehehe)
Your flowers and signs are just wonderful! And that pup (Corgi?) is absolutely adorable!!!
I have been eyeing that pattern for some time now. I can't wait to see how your quilt turns out!
Love your sign!
I love looking at all the beautiful pics on your blog! Your big porch and flower baskets, your darling bike and basket of flowers, birds, bears, fauns, and puppies! What a delight! Not to mention your beautiful quilts! Looks like you are having a delightful summer!
I see that blue jug with daisies! One of mine has a whole bouquet of yellow flowers in it on the counter!
Love the quilt pattern!
I love that Cofetti Cake pattern. I can only imagine how gorgeous it'll be with Harvest Home fabrics.
Bruno is too cute tucked into that little basket. And I LOVE your garden sign.
Love your signs.. are they hard to make????? I just love them!!
And lucky you having the lovely layer cake and that pattern... they will match perfectly!!! :o)))
Love the Daisies... they are my favourites... :o))
Cutie doggie!! Your summertime garden pictures are very inviting.
Your daisies area beautiful. Love Harvest Home and can't wait to see what you do with it!
Hey there my dear! I haven't "talked" to you in a while, but I have been checking in! I just wanted to say "HI" and see how you are!!!
how cute can one little doggy be!
Bruno is adorable :o) Your sign is so cute! I am looking for just the right sign for an area in my kitchen, and I think I might just go ahead and make mine too.
I tend to not want to cut up those layer cakes. The fabrics just look so nice all stacked neatly like that. And the pieces are big enough you can usually really enjoy the pattern design on them.
I have to say Bruno is adorable...what kind is he? I love him in that basket! They find their own comfy places to land! Your flowers are beautiful! And I love that Harvest Home fabric squares! How fun to work with. Nice to meet you and come visit me at and I'd love you to become a follower.
I see reading through your blog that Bruno is part Chiawawa and part terrier! What an adorable dog! Beautiful coloring! Your daughter is beautiful too!!!
I love the daisy and the bicycle pictures. If I ever come across an old bike (at a reasonable price!) I'm going to do that too. Your quilts from previous blog entries are pretty..great soft colors! Louise
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