I took a mental health day----- and I’m one of the lucky ones, my boss totally supported me. I slept in, drank an entire pot of coffee by myself, finished quilting my House Sampler

and even got the machine part of the binding made. Ransom and I got the solace we much needed.
After a salad and a nap, I took the Easter decorations and tucked them away until next Easter--- that sounds much better than “I threw them in a tote and chunked them in the basement”. I have never been one to chart the passage of time. I would really like keeping the pause button close at hand. But I have to remember that like most televisions, you pause too long and the TV turns off and moments are lost….
You just can't hold on too long too anything...
I completed another block of Ruby’s Garden—tons of fun.

Then--- for the first time Ransom and I ventured out with my new toy alone. It’s a hand held GPS like the hunters use. After the snow melted and I lost my trails, I spent one week getting lost three times---not really lost…just more or less misplaced. Don has been working with me on North, South, East, West, Using the sun to find my way home. Needless to say—I flunked out of wilderness school and he decided I needed this.

Playing in the woods is so much more fun than walking the side of the road. I’ll probably have to stop in about a month because the ticks will get too bad, but Ransom and I are living it up now. Don has still been going with me – even with the GPS—today was my first day alone…
…and because I’m typing…you know…. I made it home…..
Glad to hear you´re not lost in the woods and safe home... good with the GPS..:o)
ANd oh so nice with your finishes on your mental health day...just love Ruby´s blocks.. :o)
I liked your post a lot--I think I will have a mental health day tomorrow--for at least part of it. Your projects look great. Hope you have a nice day and good luck with the GPS--my husband loves his. Julie
A great post Mel and so true. Good for you for taking a MH day. I love you block. I am really into embroidery right now. My son is a hiker and I got him a hand held GPS. I feel better knowing he has it. He has taked of the trails being so different in summer and winter. I am sooo glad that you made it home your first time out on your own!! Good job!
*ahhhh* a mental health day . . . . we all need to remember to tend to ourselves. If only we could remember to do that first - keeps us fresher to tend those we love and care about.
Isn't it lovely to get out into the fresh, open air? Thanks for reminding me to do the same.
Love your projects - can't wait to see your finished piece. Binding it the best part - rhythmic and relaxing. Enjoy!
Good for you for taking the time to reconnect with yourself!
Glad to know, I'm not alone when it comes to not knowing directions. I often tell people, "I'd get lost in a round house" LOL Even at the mall, I go into a store and come out heading in the very direction we just came from, who knows...
I love walking in the woods, however, here I'm afraid of the bear we have residing someplace in the back 40. Enjoy that GPS and yes, your quilt work is awesome!
You go, girl.
Wife/mother/whatever - we all need to take time. Remember that Jesus often took time to go off by Himself, to pray, to refresh.
"Be still, and know...that I AM God."
Sounds like your day was one of those soul-refreshing times. I'm glad.
(and I've got to look at those Ruby blocks)
(and how come I looked in again today - never do that)
Reminds me of the hardest book to read...Power of a Praying Woman, where you pray for yourself. It's so hard to do...but yet we must. Good for you for taking a day...you do such beautiful work.
I am happy for you that you got that day just for yourself. Moms and wives seem to put themselves last and that isn't always a good thing.
Sounds like the perfect day...My very wise mother always says that as women we MUST take care of ourselves...because if we don't take care of us first we really can't take care of everyone else. But she also says, it's not any easy thing for women to do. I keep working at it though. Make yourself a priority!
Taking time for yourself is so necessary. I'm glad you did. Love all your projects!
I loved your post today!
Congrats on your mental health day! We all need more of them!
Mental health days are THE BEST!!!
You should look at www.geocaching.com . It's the reason that GPSs were put on this earth! lol We have 2 in our household of 3. You can combine woodsy walks and treasure hunting.
Ohhh, I need one of those. Everybody knows that I get lost in a closet. Glad you had a good day!
That walk sounds wonderful. So does that GPS thing tell you exactly where you are? But it must tell you other stuff, too, so you can navigate....? You certainly got a lot done in only one mental health day, way to go!
Good to see you made it back! Everyone need a nice mental health day for just yourself! Glad you got the houses quilt finished..perfect for your day of ME!
You're so right about watching out for everyone else and forgetting about yourself - there are a few around blogland doing the same - get out of that trunk and look after yourself Mel - after all when mum falls down the others usually tumble in her wake (((hugs)))
Man, I'd love to take a mental health day. What a great idea. You can play a game with that new GPS. It's called geocaching and you can find out more about it at
Have fun, Laura
There is no better reason to have a mental health day, sometimes we just need to recharge those batteries.
I love the projects you've been working on.
I'm glad you took time to refresh. Ruby's garden block is beautiful - where did you find them?
So glad you made it home and enjoyed your mental health day. We all need them.
Made me think of being young and my brother, cousins and I would take off and go in the woods by our camp. Never thought about getting lost. I guess God is the GPS for children.
Keep Stitchen'
Good for you and well deserved! I have taken a "sick" day like that. I tell my boss I am sick of work and he's ok with that.
I didn't know they made that type of GPS, pretty cool!!
Glad you made the most of your mental health day and you are "zen" again!
What a wonderful post. I love posts that make me stop and think about myself. We (moms, wives, women) don't do that often enough.
Love your stitches and your sweet words! Be well!
We all need a mental health day every now and then. As women we are really bad at putting ourselves at the back of the line.
Those are the bestest type of day! Glad you enjoyed some me time. Looks like you were quite productive! Keep well!
We had a visiting minister at church yesterday who said that if we don't take the time to rest, we WILL get sick. Surely that also applies to taking the time to rest our minds with whatever makes us happy. :) Hugs, Elaine
You made the most of your day off. I've got one of those trackers that came free with my GPS. I have no sense of direction and once it took me half an hour to find the car at the airport, I'd be hopeless in the bush.
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