Quilter friends --- are the best. So far, they’ve accepted me without perfect kids, perfect house and perfect quilts. They are most accepting in spite of missed stitches and the occasional exposed knot.

An on-line friend offered to be by personal antique dealer and sent me—on faith three of the greatest canning jars after I commented how I loved them on her sight. I sent her a check, but I marvel at her trust. They will be filled with tulips—from the florist--- hopefully by the time the week is out.
Several have emailed me on Linda’s gift of quilt patterns.

It’s Easter. My Sunday School kids made these bird’s nests from squashed paper bags with moss gathered from the woods.

Yes—every four-year old discussed their Easter basket the Easter bunny left this morning, But I focused on the newness of life—second chances—and prayers of thanksgiving to God for every treat in each basket.
Here’s my Basket on my Front Porch.

Here’s a little stitchery block of the month I could pass up…Great for the Covered porch the pass few days.

My friend at work has a birthday tomorrow. I had been studying the free pattern for the little bag at Moda fabrics for a while.

Well, Saturday morning I pulled this together. Can’t wait for her to find it on her desk tomorrow. She’s a card maker. So, the trinkets are for cards she makes for others. The gum is our continued secret--- granting us the power to work in an office of men. As long as we chew the gum it keeps us from having tears in anger, in sadness, in ridicule, and in times when we, as women , just don’t want to be at work…. But boy… we sure are grateful for that paycheck twice a month…..
You do what you gotta do….
Have a great week everyone….
Such a cute gift for her..that was very nice of her.
I live in the U.P. too...wasn't the weather WONDERFUL today??? We went for a long walk and down by the lake, you can see things melting quickly!!
I am so excited! I posted some photos of some robins on my blog today, stop by!
The Retirement Chronicles
Nice gifts you have there! Happy Easter.
I can't wait to see how those jars look filled with flowers! I got 3 bunches of daffodils at Trader Joe's last weekend, and I pulled out a blue jar missing it's lid and stuck them right in! The colors look so lovely together!
Awesome entry..just a pleasure to read. And the pics are great! Those patterns look tempting.
Your friend is going to be very happily surprised tomorrow. Happy Birthday to her :-)
Those jars are wonderful...and I've told you before, your Sunday School children are the luckiest kids around to have you for a teacher. You do the most awesome things with them. Love that new stitchery.
Your gift is so cute! Your co-worker is sure to love it. Grats on the warm-ish weather up there =) Here's hoping that you will be snow-free, and win the lottery so that you can quit that job where all the mean men work!! hahah
Have a great day!
A prim yooper! I love it! I, too, live in a rural town in the Upper Peninsula of Mich...(are there any big towns lol) No one I know understands prim...and I haven't found any prim shops here either..Nice to meet you!
I've missed you!! I was so glad to see your post today.
And, as always, you have lots of great pictures and great ideas. Your Sunday School kids ARE the luckiest! The bird's nest and card are great. I'm going to investigate the little stitchery patterns - the Ruby's Garden - they look very interesting.
Welcome back!
Those patterns have been by my side ever since they arrived. The fenced one has now been started. I just couldn't let it sit for any longer without seeing it come to life. Only the background pieced at the moment, but it won't take too long to finish, and every time I look at it, it will remind me of a friend in another state and my abundant blessings.
Love the bag you made for your friend, and your little nests are a wonderful cration, such blessed kids to have you teach them. Have a great week.
Happy Easter, Melanie! It was great to see you had posted! :) Don't you just love those jars!!! And how wonderful to have them shipped to you. :) Your friend at work is one lucky woman---that bag is adorable--and as always I love seeing your seasonal decorations. :) The bird nest from your SS kids is adorable. :)
Love your canning jars with the zinc lids - how fabulous to have your very own antiques dealer. You are a very special gal *s*
I had been eyeing that bag pattern too. I need to get to it!
Hope you have had a wonderful Easter!!! :o)
Just back for a lovely trip to my parents and had to see what you were up too.. :o)
Lovely and thoughtful gifts for your friends... going to love and see what Lindas quilt will look like.. and I just loved thises jars of yours..
Take care...
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