This is legally defined as a stash buster. I only purchased the wool. I’m kicking around piecing one more house and including it in the backing. It was an incredibly accurate and easy pattern. I have many memories of quilters stitched into it as we have traded and swapped fat quarters the last couple of years.
I had an email chat with a quilter today. We talked about houses and decorating and wishes and “want to’s” dealing with the wood, nails, and brick contraption we call home. I firmly believe it’s never the ‘House’ that looks great, it’s what you do with it and the love--- not $$$ poured into it.
We bike ride all summer long and I took the time to photo some of the homes on our path.

Most, if not all, looked empty throughout the summer.


As we ride I tell Don stories of the people that I think live there or if I owned the house exactly where the quilts would be.
So I guess ending this post of a House quilt …maybe the same concept is true--- it’s not how much money you pour into the quilt but the love that’s there in the stitches that makes the difference.
I love reading your posts! Our quilt is lovely. I used to do the same thing about the houses we would see along the highway when we would travel.
Mel your quilt is just wonderful!!!!!!!!
I LOVE your quilt. I am so impressed that you used your stash. What pattern did you use? Thanks for sharing. Julie
I really like that quilt!! Great job. Did you have a pattern for the houses?
I just love this quilt!
Great quilt!!
Such a wonderful quilt. I love the story of the cottages. We used to live in a town of 1200 in N. California - I loved to walk along in the early evening and see the windows glowing and the people gathering inside. I too would make up stories about them - though some of them I actually knew so making up stories about them was easy - and sometimes silly. I took photos of doors at that time - I have some of the most wonderful doors, as it was a Victorian town with lovely old homes.
Mel your quilt is beautiful! i love the pictures of all of the homes. You live in a very quaint neighborhood. I love the old homes.
Oh, I SO love that quilt! I love saltbox houses anyway, but this quilt is just so charming... What a great job you did.
The quilt looks wonderful!!!!!! I love it that you used your stash. What pattern did you use?? I really think that is one I'd love to do.
What a delightful post! I just love how you imagine the lives behind the cottages.
... and your quilt! It turned out beautifully. I have switched gears and begun a redwork quilt that I can take with me during these busy days. But I still hope to create that saltbox quilt as well.
Your quilt is wonderful! I would love to hear the stories that your tell about the "cottages". I bet they're wonderful, as well;)
Love it Mel... it turned out great :o)
I think it turned out wonderful!
Oh this is gorgeous!!! Great use of the stash!!
Oh I love this quilt, I love house quilts I will have to find this pattern too. good for you using your stash to make this quilt , makes the quilt even more special,don't you think?
I enjoy reading your blog.
thanks for the pictures of the houses in your neighborhood.
fun to see and yes we make up stories about who lives there too!
Your quilt is fantastic Mel!!! It is just so wonderful...and the photo with all the leaves in the backgroud...well...its just perfect...and working from the stash.. HOORAY to you!! :o)
What a wonderful quilt!Give me inspiration for house!!
Have nice day!
Your quilt is amazing! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Well, you've done another fantastic job! I really like the combination of piecing and applique. Are the appliques the wool parts? (seems like I remember you cutting out stars and such of wool) And I'm curious what kind of batting you'll decide to use. Not to mention anticipation of what you'll make for the backing - don't forget to show us when you get that part done, too!! You may have to forget putting the quilt on a bed and just hang it so both sides can be seen.
Mel, your quilt is lovely...you are so productive and do such beautiful work! I love walking around my neighborhood and looking at the little log cabins in our town. I often wonder what it would be like to live in one. I'd love to retire to a little house like the ones you've shown.
Your Saltboxes in the corner is truly lovely.
And your comments on houses and homes is very thought provoking.
That quilt top is gorgeous!! and what a perfect setting to take its picture!
Such a beauty Mel, what a good feeling it must be for you to have it to this stage, and such pretty photo's of the cottages/homes. I was amazed to read that you thought most of them were empty.
I love your quilt. It turned out nicely.
Bravo Melanie!!! I have been waiting and waiting to see the finished product after all the teasing us with the different blocks and bits. I LOVE IT!! That particular pattern has been screaming my name, and after seeing how beautiful yours is, I know I will have to make myself one =)
High five for a quilt well done and,
Enjoy your day!
Sensational quilt. Love reading your blog.
It is one great quilt! I adore house quilts. I made a quilt top from a different pattern by the same designer as yours. She has so many wonderful patterns available. Good job.
Thanks for the tour of those adorable cottages I love your new quilt and a stash buster to boot, way to go - those saltboxes are awesome and of course you add a little wool - it's perfect, LOL.
Hugs - karen
Wow, a lot of work is evident in this quilt, a lot of different things going on, you have to look close to see. I really like the houses and the post you created tieing in the quilt and the actual houses.
What I really like about your blog is your 'common link' in the header, I try to think of different quilt blocks that would tell the story of our family.
Hi Mel i so love your quilt i have been checking in to see the progress.I would love to quilt like that,great to see all the house.Take care~Kate~
Saltboxes in the Corner is GORGEOUS!
On our walks around town we are always seeing cute little houses and you've inspired me to start snapping some photos :-) Well, as soon as we get our camera fixed.
And I'm wondering how I could translate a few of the houses we especially like into blocks for maybe a small wall quilt? Hmmmm, have to put some thought into that!
I am so happy to have stumbled upon this blog. Quilting, has been a dream of mine for several years, however, in our area we just don't have any quilter quilds. I love your works of art,they are awesome quilts. May I add your blog to my favorites, so that I may window shop for quilts?
Oh! I love it! Very good stash buster.
I love your lovely Saltboxes in the corner quilt! I also love how you have taken your picture in the trees with all the beautiful fall color all over the ground. It's beautiful!
gorgeous quilt! congrats on finishing it and for using your stash!
Really such a pretty quilt! I like the cottage pictures, each has such potential...
Oh I love the houses in the corner!
Love, love, love this quilt .... salt box houses are ones that I go nuts over!
Oh, your quilts are great and just love the photos of the houses, especially the second one.
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