My daughter came home this weekend--- with surprises. She knows me well.

I now have a crow for a front porch wreath and plaids to replenish my stash. I needed a piece of wool for tree trunks so she rescued me. She’s a great kid.
Weekend plans will hopefully focus on sewing. I want to spend time with Chelsey. She’s been laying the groundwork for not coming home till thanksgiving, but that’s a while away. But while I share her with her friends, I’m hoping to finish piecing a quilt. I’m really excited about it. Can’t wait to share.
My job despite the rough weeks
A daughter that loves me
So sorry that you've had a rough week. I hope the joys of this weekend make up for it.
Love your crow! I thought it was real when I first saw it. What a sweet girl.
Have fun this weekend,
Amen and amen to your gratitudes.
Enjoy your precious child and her gifts and most of all her understanding...all these help put things in perspective...
rough weeks at work come and go (I had one, too) but daughters are always on the to-be-thankful-for list...remember, as the song says, "this world is not our home, we're just a-passing through, our treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue, the angels beckon us from heaven's open door and we can't feel at home in this world anymore"...
but while we're here, family is sooo sweet...
Sorry you've had a rough week. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your plaids! :)
Those kind of weeks are never fun . . . now just concentrate on enjoying having your girl home. Stitch a little, laugh a little - you'll feel great in no time *s*
A daughter bearing gifts is good. A daughter bearing FABRIC gifts - GREAT!
I don't know if my daughter and I could make it until Thanksgiving - our first year at this and all. We will see her for her bday in early November.
What a sweet daughter! (she must have a good mother!)
And - sorry to hear the job is stressful right now - hang in there, things will get better soon, I am sure!
And also thanks for stopping bye to visit my blog! Please stop bye again!
Hugs from Michigan - Diane
LOL- when I saw the bird in your pictures I thought to myself,"boy how did she get that bird to sit there so well!" I'm so gullible sometimes!
What a thoughtful daughter. She obviously takes after her Mother. Lovely plaids. Hang on in there on the job front. We've got a long way to go yet.
OMG I thought that crow was real! Love it! What a sweetie Chelsie did a great job mom...Enjoy the weekend!
Don´t you just love them kids!!! Just when you needed a little something after a rough week!! Hope the next one will be better...
And for your new sewing mystery ...Im curious!!! ;o)
Enjoy your weekend sewing and you'll quickly forget about the rough work week :)
Cheers!!! To amazing daughters!! As much as we teach them, they amaze us! and that bond will remain with us forever!!
Hugs xxx
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought it was a real crow! I love the material. Don't you just love having new material, I love to just touch it and dream of all the possibilities. Hope this week goes better for you.
Hope this week is better for you! I love your plaids and the crow!
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