I'm finishing up the Cheerios and I'm off to work in a flash. It's Halloween. We usually don't get trick or treaters out our way, but I have candy just in case....
I completed the top border for the quilt I'm working on and I just have 4 appliqued trees left.

I don't think I'm going to make the November 1st deadline, But, I'm pretty close.
I sent My college kids Halloween Chinese takeout boxes filled them with Fortune cookies. I completed a handmade card with a snapshot of them as kids trick or treating. Yesterday I bundled up their mail and sent it to them. Probably missing them a little. I just want them to know they are thought of.
We've had a snow shower but it has melted. It even got into the 60 degree temperatures yesterday.
I'm hoping for a weekend of sewing and playing in the the woods. We have to enjoy the warmer weather and it is fast leaving us.
Hope everyone has fun tonight, be careful....