Got home—another rumble with Chelsey--- we’re having way too many of these. Don says we’re too much alike…. So I headed off to church-- figured I needed it…
OK… This is the last pumpkin picture… but it’s an important one. We only have three women working where I work. Last Friday, our accounting girl had to have some emergency surgery. Nothing life threatening, but still, she didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. The office sent her flowers. She has family taking care of her kids. I wanted to do something—but what? I was out of town when we was in the hospital and now that she’s home, I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable worrying about her house with a visit there. So I decided..... she needs a pumpkin. Everyone smiles when they see a pumpkin. I stopped by the grocery store on the way to church and picked up this pumpkin.

Pumpkins are cheap… they’re only around for a short season….

Pick up one to share with someone before the season’s over--- Smiles---Money back guaranteed…

Don’s patience with Mother/Daughter Squabbles
My favorite Coffee Mug
Warm sweaters on cool days
I agree with the conference thing - you need to hear the good stuff too! And I love your gratitude for a favorite coffee mug - we just had that conversation at work the other day - it can really make a difference. Happy Thursday.
What a great idea . . . pumpkins can be just the perfect pick-me-up - she's going to love it *s*
Hang in there on the teen scene. Think of all the nice things you heard at the conferences - sometimes you have to just stuff all the other junk and just live on outsiders to know you are doing a good 'Mom Job'
That should surely put a smile on her face - what a sweet idea :o)
What a wonderful idea! I bet she smiles all day long after she finds it!
Great post. The pumpkin is a lovely gesture and a clever idea. Wishes for a great day today.
That pumpkin will do the job! What a great idea.
Oh dear, teens! My son is 13 today and already I feel like I'm drowning. The school is having a talk/workshop next week on various subjects to do with "handling teens" ..... I'm signed up!
What a great get well idea! I love the card you made too. I'm sure she will keep and treasure the card long after pumpkin time has gone.
How clever!! I love this idea!!
It is a very sweet and thoughtful present... sure to go a long ways in cheering her up! The card is just perfect too!
Here's hoping you have a peaceful week in your household!
What a brilliant idea - who could resist a pumpkin?
What a brilliant idea - who could resist a pumpkin?
what a great get well gift!!!!
A very thoughtful gift indeed. One that will be long remembered.
love the idea
What a sweetheart you are, your gift will definitely bring smiles.
You are such a thoughtful and creative gift-giver! And the card is just too cute and will continue to bring smiles after the "real" pumpkin is gone.
Going to the conferences is a good thing. I used to hear from teachers that I wasn't the parent they needed to see (because the parents that they really needed to see about the child never came) but that it was nice to be able to have a positive conversation.
Great idea! She'll love it! It really helped me to get little things and/or cards from people while I was having/recuperating from surgery. Made me feel like they were thinking of me when I wasn't around. Ya know?
What a darling thing to do! Love your little 'apple a day' analogy! And your pretty card--adorable!
I love the fabric card. What a great idea! I guess I need to get out and arrange all those pumpkins that I bought! lol!
Sorry to hear about the mother/daughter squabbles. I think it's harder for moms and daughters. DH is the one who has more influence on our oldest. Otherwise she thinks I'm just being critical.
That pumpkin get well gift is an inspiration- great idea!
What a great idea!! I might steal it!! Not the pumpkin... the idea...LOL
Just had to pop in and say hello!! You pictures are so lovely! I totally agree with the conference thing too! It was funny this year being on the other side as a teacher's aide. Unfortunately being in the Special Ed. Dept we didn't get very many visiters. But I had to make sure my husband brought our kids. He thinking our kids are doing fine, me saying their teachers still like meeting the parents...yada yada
Mel, your email is bouncing, "Persistent Transient Failure: Delivery time expired
Delivery last attempted at 12 Oct 2007 15:33:29 +0000" is coming back.
Persisten Transient... isn't that an oxymoron?
Anyway, I was trying to respond to your comments on my blog, not being rude on purpose! This has happened twice, so maybe there's trouble at your isp? Have a great quilty/applique day.
I couldn't agree with you more regarding school. I always attend! Why only show up when things aren't fine! Love the pumpkin! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing! Keep well!
I loved your pumpkin and fabric card idea! I am sure it brought a smile to the recipient! How considerate you were to respect the fact that she likely doesn't want "visitors" right now!
What a wonderful gift, She is very lucky to have a friend like you!
What a great thing to leave on someone's porch. I might have to use that one.
What a great get well gift -- and more practical than flowers anyway. I'd love it if someone gave me a pumpkin!!!
As for the mother/daughter squables, this too shall pass. It happens -- and just about this age is where it's worst (not that I know with mine yet -- but, well, my own Mom, and watching friends with their kids -- it seems to be the age). Hang in there!
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