Everything has a story. I made these two shirts about five years ago. They are Caboodles patterns, but for the life of me I can’t tell you the name.

They have been passed down to a couple of ladies that deserved the patterns and wouldn’t have gotten them any other way.
First of all – The shirts… I found them—of all places the grocery store. I saw them on a rack, the price was right-- something like $3.50-- so I bought them. I told myself they would probably disintegrate the first time I washed them, so before I sewed on them I washed them five times to see if they would make it.
Vanity--- since having kids 19 years ago… I never tuck anything in. Paranoia maybe, but I just don’t. These shirts are XXXL size 54. They are huge. Each one comes to my knees and I'm 5'6". You can see the sleeves stay rolled up. I love them because they are huge. The first shirt has 3 scarecrows.

I took pieces of the pattern and appliquéd on the pocket

and put a crow on the back.

In the fall we pretty inseparable.

For December, I have the little boy with the Christmas tree.

I wanted to show the collar. No pattern was needed. I just traced the outline of the collar onto newspaper, cut it a little smaller on the bias of the fabric so it would curve nicely. I fused it on and zigzag stitched around the edges. I made it match the buttonholes for the button down part of the shirt.

I’ve even seen cuffs done the same way, but since I roll the sleeves I didn’t bother.
Oh yeah--- It’s a man’s shirt--- I thought it may be a fun idea for a gift for someone or for yourself as a Saturday “Cheer Up”…

Good Doctor’s Visit
Smoked Beef Brisket for supper
Ritz Crackers