So driving off in the pouring rain she set off on her mission. A few hours later, we had created this:

Lots of fun – she ‘camera-phoned’ pictures of the pie to her Dad. We had girls night watching chick flicks and eating pie. I ended up with Ransom, Bruno and Chelsey all in my Bed – and no… I don’t have a king size bed….But there was enough covers for everyone so we all slept well.
I’ve got 8 blocks completed on the Harvest Home project. The completed size will be 64 by 76 ¼”. I’m shooting for four blocks a day. But first I’ve got my last class with my Sunday school kids before getting a new crop for the coming school year. I want the class to be special so I’m off to play with the construction paper for tomorrow’s class.
Cellphones to talk with Don
Pie plates and Dishes - I’m guilty of having too many
The hum of the dishwasher this morning while everyone else sleeps