Sunday after church I finished my postcards and got them ready to mail.

I even got Don to start marking our snowshoe trail for this winter. When I trekked back in January, I really wondered—what does this look like in the summer… in the fall, so we started marking a route and now we’ll be able to appreciate the changes.
Thanks for the comments for my daughter and community. While I don’t think there is ANYTHING good to come out of this…I hope that Chelsey doesn’t become scared, or cynical, but does become not quite so trusting as she heads off to school. Small town comfort is just a myth….
What’s on the docket this week? Definitely cleaning my sewing room and sewing machine… it’s their turn…. And I want to take time out to appreciate little things like:
Eating cherry tomatoes right off the vine right in the middle of my garden.
Eating a home grown cucumber like a banana—just add salt…
Filling jelly jars with zinnias as more bloom every day….
Thanks for the link for the postcard stamps. I have a couple but these are different. I've been making some for an exchange at guild. They're fun and fast...and I can accomplish something!
Good luck on the "get a life" attempt. My youngest has one more's gonna be a hard year.
Very cute postcards :o)
My garden is ready for some harvests too... beans, peas, and I have green tomatoes.. yay!
Hello friend, thank you so much for visiting my blog. I read your recentl posts, wow, I will be praying for you and your daughter. Thank God for those moments where he has protected our children from what could have been. I will be thinking of you!
Blessings, Debbie
I like the strawberry postcard too! Very cute indeed! Hope all has settled down in your community and that your daughter is doing better. I guess we will never know why things happen...Jo x
The postcards are delightfyl Mel, and such a good distraction. So glad you are able to remember to enjoy the simple things in life.
Do you salt your bananas? Do you peel your cukes?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I keep turning mine into refrigerator pickles. (Cuke salad.)
Hello-just reading through some blogs, haven't watched the news in days so I don't know the story you are talking about but am so sorry for such a horrible thing to hit so close to home! I know that sort of thing does a number on your heart and mind, Praying for healing in your community!
Shayne Louree
So sorry about the town's tragedy. Life these days seems so fragile and risky with all the senseless and random outbursts of violence that continue to occur. The simple days of the past are gone and I sadly miss them. I guess stopping to count our blessings is one way to help cope with such horrendous things. Best wishes to Chelsey and your family.
Love the postcards...they are sooo cute!! Strawbeeries my favourite too...Thanks for the link!
Mel, you will be surprised how quickly you "get a life" when Chelsey leaves. It's hard when they leave the nest but then you have more time for you and of course, to spoil Don!
Oh, I like those postcards. I have never made one but they look fairly easy.
I've only made a couple of quick checks on blogland in the last few weeks...I was so very sorry to read about the happenings in your town and sorry that Chelsey has had this close connection to tragedy at such a young age.
I love your postcards and thank you for the stamp link. I have one stamp (which was the only one I could find at the time) and would like another. Can't tell for sure in the picture, but did you zig-zag around your applique shapes?
(and I'm glad you like yours and glad that it came at a needed time...and have you noticed how sometimes we receive blessings just at a time of need???)
I really feel for you, that "what if" is so hard! Pleased you had a nice family weekend.
Love the postcards, like that stamp idea, drop me a line with snail addy and I may have a go at this-send you an Aussie one! Tracey
Boy, you really are up there. I live just north of Detroit. I bet it's beautiful up there. I don't think I would mind living there. Is your daughter going to school locally or is she going out of state. I guess nothing is really close to you. Welcome fellow Michigander
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