The days of Summer continue, but we've been given reminders of the changing seasons. These are trademarks of the place where I live. Last year very few acorns fell, which also meant a lot of wildlife went hungry through the long winter.
It's been a great weekend. I tackled laundry, errands, and an entire housecleaning for today... Today I spent going to church and playing. The garden is full of vegetables. Despite lack of rain-- I was religious about keeping it watered. Now, I'm reaping the benefits: cucumbers, beans, tomatoes.
The novelty of the new pup will wear off I promise, but Ripley will be little for such a short time. At 22 pounds, Bruno and he have become best friends. You have to remember Bruno was originally Chelsey's pup....he's like her in so many ways....Don't mess with him when he's first gets up or when he's ready for bed at night...
But Ripley is pretty forgiving--- despite getting nipped at, he continues to come back for more. Lessons maybe we could all learn from a pup..... The clock is ticking--- enjoy the rest of the weekend....