Sunday, March 02, 2008

Last Sunday Don helped me stretch this quilt and today I finally started quilting it. I admired it every day, but realized there were other things that took priority. I spent three bobbins worth of thread. If I do three bobbins a day, maybe by this time next week I’ll be sewing on the binding.

A gorgeous weekend found temperatures even reaching 41 degrees today. It’s sleeting right now as the temps are dipping back down in the 30’s. It’s definitely the price you pay for warmer weather. Don took Ransom and I on a major snow shoeing expeditions and were amazed at the different animals leaving their tracks in the snow. I guess everyone is getting a little tired of being tucked away from the cold.
I had nine kids in Sunday school including four new little ones. It made a week’s worth of preparations worth it when I heard a little boy tell his Mom, “I had so much fun. I’m so glad I came…”. I never regret teaching Sunday School.

I finished the last of the appliqué on the last block of the Primitive garden. I’m doing the embroidery work—maybe a picture tomorrow. The Capricorn quilts BOM block is posted and I want to get that posted before I go to sleep tonight.
There was enough quilting going on today that I should have great dreams tonight.

My Blessings:
1. Don & Chelsey pitching in and helping in my four year class today—My helpers were sick.
2. Ransom nudging me to get outside and enjoy the weather. It’s better than complaining about it.
3. Longer days and Bubble Bath


Juliann in WA said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend! Here's hoping you find time to get a little stitching in during the week too. It's almost as good as sunshine!

Kristie said...

You will never know what a life changing influence a Sunday School teacher can be. I always enjoyed Sunday School as a child and those are some times that I will never forget!

I love the colors in that quilt and your quilting looks wonderful! I can't wait to see your Primitive Garden quilt, I just love that pattern. I have also been printing out the Capricorn quilts BOM, but have yet to start it. I really need to do some major fabric shopping for several projects.

Tazzie said...

Your quilting is just amazing Mel hon - you must be entirely thrilled.
Don't the little ones make your heart just swell? Those tiny people will remember you fondly forever.

QuiltNut Creations said...

it looks great!

thankful for longer days here too :)

Anonymous said...

Love your quilting! Wanna quilt mine? Lol, I always get freaked out when I get to that point in my quilting. Never can decide exactly how I want to do it.

Yay for the warm-up! We have about the same temps and the same situation. Supposed to be "iced" in or snowed in by morning. Probably at this rate, it will just keep raining.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like your weekend was full of blessings.

Beth said...

We had a warm weekend too. Would you believe it was 79 yesterday. Today it is only in the 30's we are to have sleet and around 12 inches of snow tomorrow.
Your work is just beautiful. I love the colors in your quilt. I can't wait to see the primitive garden block. I would love to do that, but I have never appliqued before.

Libby said...

A very nice mix of things to fill your weekend . . . and plenty to keep you smiling all through the week *s*

Idaho Quilter said...

Great quilting, slowly but surely they get done. Yes warmer weather is on it's way, yipppeeee.

Anne Heidi said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend. Your quilting looks wonderful, can't wait to see the whole quilt done :-) Have a great week!

Paula said...

Time invested in the life of a child is never wasted. I will never forget the teacher who read out loud to a group of 3rd graders. I have fond memories that I will carry with me always.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Love the work you have done on that quilt, good job!
I am having a big catch up, so can I say...
-Chesea looks gorgeous in the dress
-loved the 18th birthday presents
-great bag for her,I actually bought that pattern...and can't find it!
-sunday School fabric looks great, I would be so excited to hear the comment about the fun the little fellow had-actually I had 18 on Sunday, very busy! Tracey

KC Quilter said...

Ooooh, I love the colors in that quilt! So gorgeous. Are you quilting on your sewing machine or a longarm? The quilting looks fabulous.

Carole said...

How wonderful that you are at the quilting stage. I am still at the block piecing stage. So many projects! I just love the colours! Thanks for sharing!

Mary said...

Oh, your quilt is so lovely! We had a beautiful warm and sunny day yesterday. Today is still warm, but gray and dreary. I can feel spring, though. Yay!

atet said...

Oooh -- it sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful weekend! I can't wait to see the PG progress as well :0).

Judith said...

Your quilting looks wonderfull.

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

Love the colors for the current quilt...and the princess's dress looks great on her.

Anonymous said...

Is beautifull your blog ando yours works!!!

Christine said...

Love this quilt - looking forward to more pictures. Your daughter looks stunning in her dress.

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

My church on Cape Cod doesn't have any kids my sons age so we've been visiting other churches in search of a good Sunday School. I WISH we lived near you!!! Keep up the good work with those kids!
